Product support
Fan auto

In the Fan Auto setting, the fan runs only when your HVAC system is generating heating or cooling.

Fan on

In the Fan On setting, the fan is always on. It provides air circulation even if your HVAC system is otherwise idle.

Circulating fan

The circulating fan feature allows the fan to circulate air when the system is not running. There is a time long setup to turn on or turn off in the period of fan criculation work.

The time long represents how often the thermostat will run the fan and how often the fan stop in the period of fan criculation . You can set the Circulating Fan feature from the thermostat or the Vine app.

Example: If you set the circulating fan to on 30min, off 60min, the fan will run 30 minutes, then stop 60min.

If any calls for heat/cool occur in the period, that run time is subtracted from the overall run time for the fan for on time. And when the fan is off period, the time the heat or cool turn on, the fan will turn on right now. 

Example: If you set the circulating fan on 40min, and your furnace runs for a total of 15 minutes , the fan will only run independently for 25 minutes then stop. 

Setting the Circulating Fan in the Vine app

1.    Tap on the thermostat you want to adjust.

2.    Tap the Fan Mode icon.

3.    Toggle Circulating Fan On, and set the on or off time and the period of the fan circulation work you’d like the fan to run .

What is Auto Mode, and how do I use it?

Vine thermostat has a feature called Auto Mode, which allows the thermostat to switch from Heat to Cool, or Cool to Heat automatically. Auto Mode can only be enabled from the Vine app.

From the main screen of the app, tap the Mode icon in the lower left corner. All available options will be displayed.

Select “Auto” to allow the thermostat to switch between heating and cooling based on room temperature and the selected heating and cooling set points.

When Auto Mode is selected two set points will appear on the main screen of the Vine app or thermostat. The top set point is the cooling temperature. The bottom set point is the heating temperature.

Heating and cooling set points can be changed by tapping the set point you would like to adjust. The set point selected will be highlighted white. Use the “Up” and “Down” arrows to change the highlighted set point.

For example, in Auto Mode, you can select a heating temperature and a cooling temperature such as

Cooling 78°F

Heating 70°F

With these settings, the heat will come on to maintain a minimum of 70°F if the room temperature drops to the heat setting. Cooling will come on if the room temperature rises to the cool setting of 78°F. If the indoor temperature is between 70°F and 78°F, no heat or cool will run.

Your Vine thermostat will always maintain a minimum separation of two degrees between the heat and cool set points to prevent heating and cooling from running at the same time. Using this example, if the heating set point is adjusted above 76°F, the cooling set point will also increase to prevent the temperatures from overlapping. Similarly, if adjusting the cooling set point below 68°F, the heating set point will also decrease to prevent the temperatures from overlapping.

Closer heating and cooling settings will maintain tighter temperature control and use more energy. Set points further apart will result in a wider temperature range and use less energy.

Aux heat/Emgency Heat

Aux (Auxiliary) Heat/Emer Heat mode is available only for heat pump equipment. Aux Heat mode means that heating is generated by a secondary (i.e. auxiliary) heat source rather than by the heat pump.

How do I change the Date & Time for TJ-610?

On main screen, tap the Setting, and then Setup, then select Date and Time.

Will my thermostat still work if I lose my Wi-Fi connection?

Yes, Vine thermostats are designed to control your heating and cooling even if you lose Wi-Fi connection. If you are running a schedule when you lose internet access, Vine will continue to run the current schedule. However, additional features such as geofencing, advanced settings, switching between schedules and automatic software updates are available in the Vine app but will not be accessible/work until the internet connection is restored.

Does the TJ-610 work with multi-stage heating systems?

No. Sorry, TJ-610 is not support with Multi-stage System.

What is a dual fuel heating system?

Please take a picture of the wired and send a heat pump with a full-sized furnace

What is a heat pump?

A heat pump is an electrical device that extracts heat from one place and transfers it to another.

Can the nightlight be turned on all of the time?

Yes. You will need to change the nightlight schedule to 24 hours.

Why is my thermostat not adjusting for Daylight Saving Time?

Please check the thermostat’s wi-fi connection. TJ-610 will automatic adjusting for daylight saving time if its connected to Wi-Fi. 

It possible to see outside temperature and humidity on my thermostat?

Yes, Vine thermostat provide 7-day weather forecast and also provide the humidity feature.

How do I enroll/connect to the thermostat via the Internet?

You can connect to the thermostat via the internet through Smart Phone or Web Portal. Simply create a Vine control Account, and add your device to your account. Then you can control the thermostat remotely.

How does my programmable thermostat help me save money?

By setting various schedules throughout the day you can set the thermostat to maintain higher or lower temperatures during peak and off peak times to save money on your electricity bill.

Can I have more than one location registered under my account?

Can I have more than one location registered under my account? Yes, your my Total Connect Comfort account allows you to have multiple locations registered under one account.

Where is the MAC_ID?

It can be found on the back of your device, on the package, and on the <Wi-Fi settings> screen.

I am not sure whether my new thermostat is wired correctly?

Please take a picture of the wired and send a heat pump with a full-sized furnace it to us, we will have our support technician check it for you.

What should I do if the Wi-Fi Connection is failed?

If your device loses connection with your wireless network, it will automatically attempt to reconnect after five minutes.

How dose TJ-610/TJ-919 connected to my Wi-Fi network?

To connect to a wireless network, tap the Wi-Fi icon on main screen, then tap on the scan icon for available wireless networks. Type in your password, if no password is required, click OK to continue.

How do I change the Mode setting?

Tap either “Mode” or “Fan” to enter the control screen.

How do I change the Nightlight setting?

On the top right is the nightlight icon. Tap once is on, again is off.  

There are 4 different brightness levels for the nightlight and it can be programmed to turn on during a scheduled time frame every night.

How do I change the Temperature scale.

Tap the Setting icon then go to the Setup menu. Tap on Scale Setting to bring up the screen.

Tap on your preference Fahrenheit or Celsius.

How do I change the system mode to heating or cooling on my thermostat?

Light up the main screen by tapping anywhere on the screen or just turn the dial. 

Tap either “Mode” or “Fan” to enter the control screen.

Can I control multiple thermostats with my Vine Control app?

Yes. you can register and control multiple device on Vine Control App.

Will a dedicated MiFi hotspot or personal hotspot provide reliable Wi-Fi communication?

Mobile Hotspot compatibility with Vine Thermostats

Creating Schedules on Vine Thermostat

Programming a customized schedule for your Vine thermostat can be completed in minutes. Scheduling can save you time and energy by allowing your thermostat to automatically following a set schedule. Each individual thermostat can have its own schedule.


 This feature helps prevent damage to your equipment when cooling is turned off and back on quickly.

The time is 3-minute delay

How do I find and download firmware updates for my Vine thermostat?

All firmware updates are automatically pushed to connected thermostats. There is nothing you need to do to enable updates. However, from time to time you should make sure your phone app is up-to-date.

How do I hold one temperature?

There are several ways you can control your Vine thermostat. You can set a schedule, hold a temperature. If you don’t want to set a schedule, you can always hold one temperature, and adjust it as necessary from the wall or through the Vine app.

1 How to hold a temperature from the Vine app/Thermostat

Tap on the thermostat name.

Tap on Scheduling.

Under Schedule Type, tap on Program Off/No Schedule

Navigate back to the main menu to adjust the set point as necessary using the up or down arrow buttons.

2 How to hold a temperature from the Vine app/Thermostat

Tap Menu.

Adjust the set point as necessary using the up or down arrow buttons.

Tap on Hold.

Temperature Offset

Temperature Offset is a feature that lets you adjust the room temperature reading +/- 5°F. This helps if your Vine thermostat is in a slightly warm or cold spot, or if the room temperature does not match your old thermostat.

To update the room temperature reading using Temperature Offset:

Select Advanced Function on thermostat screen.

(Navigate to Settings by entering the access code"SC". 

Go to Temperature Offset and adjust as needed so it reads higher or lower to match your preference

What is keypad lockout and how do I use it?

Vine thermostat has a keypad lockout feature that allows you to remotely lock the thermostat’s buttons to prevent tampering with the thermostat’s temperature set points and configurations while maintaining control via the Vine app.

How to enable the keypad lock on Vine app

Open the Vine app and select the thermostat you want to lock from the dashboard screen

 Navigate to Settings by selecting the gear icon at the top right of the screen. 

Tap on Lock button switch to enable and disable keypad lockout

How to enable the keypad lock on Thermostat

Click Lock button on thermostat

Enter the 4 digita locking code

When keypad lockout is turned on, you will see a small lock icon on the main screen of the app, and on the thermostat. All buttons on the thermostat will be disabled.

Cycle delay

1. The time between heating and cooling transition.

2. The time after heating or cooling turn off, then turn on once again

3. The time is default 3-min 

How do I program an Auto Heat/Cool schedule?

Switch from heat to cool or cool to heat automatically with this feature.

Vine thermostat has a feature called Auto Mode, which allows the thermostat to switch from Heat to Cool, or Cool to Heat automatically. Auto Mode can only be enabled from the Vine app.

From the app, tap the Mode icon in the lower left corner. All available options will be displayed.

Select “Auto” to allow the thermostat to switch between heating and cooling based on room temperature and the selected heating and cooling set points.

In Auto Mode, follow the steps below to program an Auto Heat/Cool schedule.

Open the Vine app and select the correct thermostat from the dashboard screen

(iOS users) Navigate to Scheduling by selecting the calendar icon at the top right of the screen. (Android users) Navigate to Scheduling by selecting the three-dot menu button at the top right of the screen

Select “Edit Schedules”

Tap on the name of the Auto schedule you want to edit or tap “+ Create New Auto Schedule.”

Adjust the day groupings as you’d like to have them. Then tap on “Edit temperature settings” to set your desired times and temperatures.

When your schedule is programmed, go back to the main screen before exiting the app to save your changes.

Why doesn’t my thermostat go back to the schedule?

With Schedule On, Vine controls your home based on your time and temperature settings in the current schedule. To temporarily change your temperature, use the up and down arrow buttons in the Vine app or on the thermostat. Vine will display “Temporarily Set To” on the thermostat and will hold your new temperature until the next scheduled set point with a minimum hold time of two hours. 

End the Temporary Hold

Vine will return to your schedule on its own, but you can also manually cancel the temporary hold whenever you want on the Vine thermostat or in the app. At the thermostat, simply toggle Schedule Off and then back On.

In the Vine app, you’ll see a timeline of your schedule indicating when the temporary hold will end. You can adjust the set point as necessary using the up or down arrow buttons, clock "Cancel" or "Hold" to end the temporary hold and revert to the schedule at any time.

Trouble Connecting to your Home's Wi-Fi Network?

1. Make sure that your thermostat is a maximum 20 ft or less from the router/modem without any obstructions (i.e. walls, floors, ceilings, etc.). If obstructions exist, try moving your thermostat and router/modem closer together. 

2. Before attempting to reconnect your thermostat to your home network, power cycle your router/modem and then your thermostat. If you have a separate router and modem, make sure that you power cycle the modem first and then the router.

3. In the event that you still cannot connect to your home’s Wi-Fi network please contact our support team for further in-depth technical troubleshooting options.

NOTE: If you are able to connect to your home network, but the time does not update on the thermostat, you are not fully connected to the cloud server. Please follow the troubleshooting steps again or contact for Support.

Can this device be accessed via a web page?

Yes, you can visit: www.vineconnected.com to login your account on web

What happens if I don't remember the password that locked my screen?

The password will always display on the main screen of your app in the top right hand corner under the green lock button. You can unlock your thermostat by typing this code into the thermostat itself or clicking the green lock button in the top right hand corner of the thermostat. NOTE: this is not the lock button for schedule hold.

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